And so on Sunday evening I dragged my sorry ass to the Cinnamon Grand to attend "The Oval Ovation to Muthiah Muralitharan"
The first stress of the day was when I realised that the pants of my new suit would not meet around my belly and would not or could not be buttoned. Ahhh I huffed and puffed and took a deep breath and squeezed my stomach so tight that I nearly pooped and managed to button it up below my belly. Oh what relief. But it was short lived as I realized that while it felt slightly uncomfortable to stand with my gut sucked in it was virtually impossible to sit without feeling extremely uncomfortable and run the risk of my pants splitting. Ok time to move to planB after all if this one was small the another should fit. No such luck. Everything else was too big. So I had no choice but to wear a jacket and pants which did not match.
You could say I was not in the best of moods when I walked in and it took a turn for the worse when I realised there were not many people I knew. Actually that is wrong to say. There were many many people I knew. Like the entire Sri Lankan cricket team, CEOs of big business, International sports castors etc. Sadly none of them knew me. So there I was trying to spot someone, anyone I knew and did manage to say hi to a couple of people who I had known or passed by somewhere in time. Well fortunately for me I did not have to pretend to socialize and network for long because knowing this might happen I had gone quite late. So within a few minutes of entering the hall I had to go take my seat. Well things began to improve from thereon though not in leaps and bounds.
Firstly I was amazed to realize that I had been assigned a seat in the Presidents table but that had its own set of problems mainly because I was the most insignificant person there. And to make small talk with them was virtually impossible. Well fortunately the proceedings began and it was not as painful as I thought it would be. Except for the bit when MTV (this is Maharajah telvision and not Music TV) decided to do a sit down interivew. When the entire event was around felicitating Murali they started talking loads of BS about the future of test cricket. Well the food was fabulous as usual. Infact the memory of the starter makes my mouth water right now. Smoked salmon in cream cheese along with crab cake. And oohh my goodness the dessert.... I actually get turned on when I think of it. Cappucino cream and amarullo slice together with cookie ice cream. Well the main course was nice but it was quite expected.
Well I ended up at home at aroun 11 after all this. I was quite pleased with myself that I did not have anything to drink other than for a glass of wine. I had a presentation the next morning at ten and was supposed to work on it after I got home but ended up falling asleep as I was too tired to do so. And waking up the next day and rushing through the presentation... well guess thats another story.
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