Tuesday, August 12, 2014

The Story of us – The only redeeming scene of Californication series 07

The longer a TV series runs the more diluted (and stale) it becomes. Truer words could not have been said of the series 07 of Californication which I finished watching recently. Somehow it has lost its edge. It was like seeing your beautiful sexy aunt who always appeared in your naughty dreams after many years. All faded and wrinkled up. A shadow of what she used to be. This time they even managed to do something which I thought would hear on the script of this program. Bring in a cheesy line “what happens at the dentists stays at the dentists”. I writhed in pain when I heard this line and wondered what happened to the ballsy lines such as “I wont go down in history but I will go down on your sister”? Fortunately this is the final season of which to me is a blessing in disguise.
Yet with all its flaws it was good to see good old Hank Moody once more. He still had charm though the plot did not. Generally I would have three or four “OMFG I wish I could write like this” scenes with every new series of Californication. But this time there was none worthy of mention except this.
This is how it goes though the last and the best line has been left out in the video which is real sad.
"I've been thinking about Us, the story of us. How the fuck do I sum it up? Has it been perfect? Hardly. Any story with me at the center of it will never be anything less than a big smiling mess. But here's what I know for sure—our time in the sun has been a thing of absolute fucking beauty. The nightmares, the hangovers, the fucking and the punching. The gorgeous shimmering insanity of the city of ours. Where for years I woke up, fucked up, said I was sorry, passed out and did it all over again. As a writer, I'm a sucker for happy endings. The guy gets the girl, she saves him from himself, fade to fucking black. As a guy who loves a girl, I realize there's no such thing. There's no sunset. There's just now, and there's just the two of us, which can be scary fucking ugly sometimes.
But if you close your eyes and listen for the whisper of your heart—if you simply keep trying and never ever give up, no matter how many times you get it wrong, until the beginning and the end blur into something called until we meet again -- and that's it. I didn't know how to finish it, because it's not over. It'll never be over, as longs as there's you, and there's me, and there's hope, and grace."

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