To be honest when I had the wine I did not have the book and when I had the book I did not have the wine. But I sure wish I had this book Adultery by Paulo Coelho when I was lounging on that balcony in the little farm house in Carinthia which I wrote about sometime back whilst sipping on some cheap wine.
Adultery is the newest book by Paulo Coelho. It was not highly anticipated as the Manuscript of Accra which was hyped up quite a bit before it was launched. I do not know if it was due to the hype or not but the Manuscript of Accra did not meet up to expectations. In fact to me it was virtually another version of the “The Prophet” by Khalil Gibran
This time they were more cautious. So it was an absolute surprise to me when I found out a new book was out and I immediately clicked buy.
Before I could read the reviews.
Which was a good thing. Because for some strange reason the reviews were scathing and I am sure I would not have made this purchase if I had read them before.
Personally I thought it was a great book. It had all the trademarks of a good Pualo Coelho novel which we are all familiar with and love. It was deep and insightful. It was philosophical yet simply written. Maybe it was not as spiritual but some of his other works – to be honest it was but the spirituality was not in your face - but still it was a damn good read.
“I have always loved him and always will – but our life together is verging on monotony. Love can withstand this, but for lust; its fatal” This quote summarizes the storyline in just a few words. To have everything (materially speaking)) and yet feel as if you have nothing is the underlying theme of this book which is something I can relate to very well.
I can wholeheartedly recommend this book even though it seems a majority of reviewers don’t agree with me.
Well they say don’t judge a book by its cover guess in this instance I say don’t judge a book by its reviews.
Didn't like this one at all. It was a chore to get through, but I did persevere as I usually do like his books. Loved Eleven minutes...did you read that?
I want to read this.
Story line of any of the books of the writer is simple- a journey. This is a story of journey of a person who decides NOT to fake happiness and instead live life as per choice. The chosen path is full of social stigma, taboos, acceptances and rejections of choices and yes, it is considered as dangerous in conventional social norms and relationships. The novel is able to beautifully capture pleasure and pain of such path, which is more in the inner world of the person than at physical level. It is based on the background of swiss society and swiss polity, which has elements of similarity with any other society and polity like fear of being caught in adulterous relationship, artificial and extremely self conscious behaviour of budding and established politicians, et
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