I never thought I would be waxing lyrical about a cup cake till I took a bite of one from butter botique. A soft vanilla cup cake with moist passion fruit curd inside. Woooow there are few things in life which is equal to or better than an orgasm and this to me is one of them. If you have not heard of the butter botique I strongly reccomend that you check them out right now. They are on Facebook right here and I stole the image from their face book pics. Some of my friends are going ga ga about their triple chocolate cup cakes which has mousse on the inside. But I am not that much of a fan of that. Butter botique is done by a pleasant lady called Rukshi from her house. The down side is you have to place an order of what you want 24 hours in advance. And to collect it you have to go all the way to Battaramulla which takes an hour at least. But sometimes she bakes a few extra and might be able to get your hands if you are lucky enough to satisfy that impulse sweet tooth activity
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