Thursday, April 24, 2008

Is it worth it?

Gosh it has been sometime since I came on here... so thought I should get some frustratons out on paper before my system gets too blocked up....
I saw this article in the news papers how a total of nearly 100 lives has been lost to advance the forward defence lines by 500 meters. And I was wondering if it is actually worth it. How does an extral half kilo meter change the game plan in a war of this scale. If I were to give you a statistical twist its one life for every five meters gained. Is that all what a life is worth? How do you tell a sufferring family that their loved one sacrificed his life for 5 meters of soil which wont really make a dent in the big picture of the war and that in all probability will be won back in a couple of days? Well the politicians dont have to face the people thankfully to ask all these questions.
Somehow I seem to smell a rat? The timing of this exercise seems suspiciously too close to the rice crisis. Do we smell a cover up?

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