Monday, April 7, 2008

Inconveniencing People even in Death...

Well this is something which should have been published a couple of days back but sadly got down to doing it only just now. Well our first ladies mother passed away.... while my sympathies go out to her family I am sure her demise was expected... she was bed ridden and in her late eighties... but what was a somewhat sad event for her loved ones became a tragic even for those people in and around the funeral house... in fact for people miles around... who were affected by the security cordon which was put up without any regard for the interests of the public.
Traffic was blocked for miles... many a school child would have got delayed and tons and tons of petrol would have got wasted as engines idled as they waited to inch their way through the traffic jams. But who cares. The roads were closed anyway... let the people suffer the needs of a few of us are far more important than the collective needs of at least a couple of thousand families.... Well what was sickening to see was how the hoi polloi in the various government institutions groveled to get in the good books of their politica masters.... well there were huge structures put up as well as a large amounts of banners expressing insincere heart felt regrets from the various "samithis".... Also on the day of the funeral the British school was asked to close school early or not let the children go for a couple of hours... they were prudent enough to choose the first option and the kids got an extra days leave. But the best is yet to come... the people who had planned to bury their loved ones in the kanatte cemetery were asked to postpone the funeral or find an alternate location. Postpone a funeral???? Come on!!!!! How terrible can it be... to what levels should one stoop down to inconvenience the public under the guise of security... all I can say is I dont know the answer. But gues no one does either... Sadly thanks to the insensitive nature of our first family a sweet old lady who would have been loved under normal circumstances is being cursed. May she rest in pieces.... uh I mean peace.

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