Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Sleeping your way to the top!

You will not believe it. I never thought this would be possible in this day and age... but yes if you dont have talent it helps you to spread your self out to the boss and move up in life. There is this person I know. Who holds a very powerful position in one of our countries top companies. But doesnt have a clue about what she is doing. Apparently the only qualification she has is being quite beautiful... and ofcourse sexy... so it seems she has decided to make the best use of the talents she has been blessed with and has mastered the art of using sex as a tool to get to the top. And the amazing thing is the top guy does not realise the damage which is being caused by her not only to the image of the company. But also to the brands which they are custodians of. The sad thing after all this is over and done with it is the brands which will finally suffer. Guess one can only learn from their mistakes.

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