One of the down sides of travelling in Sri Lanka is access
to clean toilets. Us guys can easily do it outside behind a tree but when you
are travelling with females and little kids this becomes even more important.
In fact access to clean toilets is so important to me I pay nearly double the
market price for Ceylinco VIP insurance just so that I can access the VIP rest
areas which are situated in about 8 locations throughout the island. But
fortunately I don’t have to do so anymore.
Because I have learnt that every food city outlet throughout
the island has a very clean toilet on offer to visitors who patronize their
outlets. I was originally told of this by a friend and then I have visited at
least two outlets where I found visitors toilets which are extremely clean.
Thanks to the extensive food city network now access to a clean toilet is no
more a problem wherever you go in this country.
I must raise my hat to the management of Cargills for being
so thoughtful my sincere wish is that those who make use of these facilities
will at least buy something from these outlets as a gesture of appreciation.