Well it is another Monday... middle of the month… nice!!! The pressure of closing billing for the end of the month has not really caught us by our vitals… yet! But it is the relative calm before the storm because it is the end of the second quarter and my numbers are shot to shit. Well that’s another rant for a rainy day. It started out as if it was going to be a good Monday till evening where I had to attend a meeting which was disastrous. To say the least.
I went to present some work to a star CEO Well the work had been approved by his team before and it was just to get a nod of approval.
A piece of cake or so I thought till he shot the work to bits. The real kick in the balls was that he was right. And whatever said and done it is hard to admit that sometimes the client can be right.
Well I had to go home early to take the wife to a dental appointment. Amazingly the doctor could not do what he was supposed to do as there was a mild infection and she had to take a dose of antibiotics and return the next week. It was too late to go back to office. So for once I was at home by 6.
And so it was movie time.
Started the evening watching a old drama called The House of Sand and Fog starring Ben Kingsley. Which was good but of course had a sad ending which left me kind of down. Then it was time to watch a movie called Basquiat a true life story of an American artist who appeared from the gutter rose to great heights and died at the tender age of 27. Of course the movie was another downer and now I am feeling really depressed as I tap away at my keyboard watching the original Woodstock concert. Well hopefully it would cheer me up.
But trust me Basquiat is one amazing movie. Firstly it has an amazing sound track with some great music. Secondly it has an amazing cast including Dennis Hopper and David Bowie who plays Andy Warhol. Some of Andy Warhol’s actual videos were featured in the movie. I must say the art was good too but to be honest I thought Basquiat’s stuff was kind of crude and I would not pay good money for it.
Nevertheless it is a good movie. A must watch movie I might add. Specially if you are interested about real life biographies.
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