Monday, May 31, 2010
Penang Beef Curry from Chinese Dragon Rocks
Where have all the helpful politicians gone???
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Stopped in our tracks by leopards!
These are some old pics which I found recently and I wanted to share them with you and make you feel envious I guess. It was a Sunday evening in Yala and the crowds had left for home so we were probably the only party out at that time.
When we found these two leopards right in the middle of the road. And they did not move just waited on the road chilling out we were just six feet away from them and I managed to shoot some quite good pictures.
Sadly it was beginning to get dark and we had to return to the bungalow so we turned around and left after spending nearly 30 minutes with them without anyone else disturbing us. How great is that?Friday, May 28, 2010
Permit to profit!
Why oh why does this government deny us of the experience of driving a decent vehicle while keeping the privilege selfishly for themselves. If its bad for us who do a decent days work shouldn't it be equally bad for those who are good for nothing and don't know the meaning of the word decent or work for that matter. In fact I think its time the roles are reversed where the politicians should be asked to pay a far higher price. After all they are the parasites who are sucking this country dry.
Monday, May 24, 2010
Warning: Medicines can Kill you even a panadol
Are we ever really free
Friday, May 21, 2010
The greedy security guard..
People say I should be angry at this guy for his gluttony but to be honest all I feel is pity towards him. I too like my food and it makes me wonder if I did not have the opportunities I have today if I too would end up like him?
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Kaanu Suthra
A new book on the thousand and one ways you can gently open up the channels and release those pent up gallons which are frustratingly blocking your road, house and office. Experience what a relief it is to see all your troubles gushing away to kingdom come???? This is an investment which will certainly not be money thrown down the drain.
If you find this book do let me know

Hena gahanawao!!!!!
I already lost a router to the recent lightening storms we are experiencing which means no wireless for me till I get a new Broad Band connection sorted out. Thank goodness my loss did not involve life or limb unlike some of my fellow countrymen. I heard ten of them had died due to lightening so far.I got this email which I thought I should share with everyone just in case… after all it is better to be safe than sorry.
* If the time gap between the lightening flash AND the thunderbolt is
less than 15 seconds, you are in the danger zone. If you can hear the
thunder you are in the striking distance.The lightning can strike as far as
16 kms (10miles) away from the raining zone.
* Keep away from any connectivity with water. Avoid bathing, cloths
washing, dish washing etc.
* Wipe and dry up your body as quickly as possible.
* Avoid wearing wet cloths.
* Try to be inside a properly enclosed building.
* If at home, the most secured position is lying on the bed not
touching any walls. Restrict your body expand only to the rubber mattress.
* Avoid being closer to windows, doors, car porches, cloth lines,
metal fences, metal shelters, transformers, switch boards and telephones.
* Move away from groups of people.
* Avoid leveled outdoor open spaces. Cease all outdoor activities.
* Avoid being on top (???? I thought someone always had to be on top oops pardon my dirty mind) or near hill tops, roof tops and tower tops.
* Avoid being in or near water swimming pools, rivers, streams or
* Never use any phones mobile or land. Disconnect the phone wires.
* Do not use or be near the refrigerator.
* Disconnect TV antenna wire and place it outside through a window.
* Avoid using computer or other electric / electronic appliances.
* Disconnect all coded electrical connections. Stop battery charging.
* Ensure that the earth wire resistance does not exceed 10ohm/meters.
* Take pets inside the building. Leave their metal chains outside.
* Avoid using umbrellas and other objects with metallic components.
* Avoid riding bikes, motor bikes, horses and open roof vehicles
* Switch off car stereos. Close the shutters and doors when driving
during lightening. As much as possible, do not touch metal parts. Avoid
driving in leveled open spaces. Park in basements at all possible
* Avoid taking shelter under tall trees. Squat down to lower your
* In the night lightening times, consider disconnecting main power
from the MCB and try to depend on candle light during the danger period.
(Data Courtesy National Disaster Management Center)
Monday, May 17, 2010
Sweet Sixteen...
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Isn't it good to die young!
I was not close to LR neither did I admire him or was inspired by him. But in his death I have new respect for him. I see that he had impacted a lot of people positively and that their was a genuine outpouring of grief. This was the first time that someone on my face book had passed away. And it was eerie to scroll down his page and pass from the condolence messages to updates by him from a few days back. As someone said only the good die young.
But it still made me wonder or is it that when the young die they are upheld as good automatically in our society hungry for a good story. Isn't it to go out with a bang or in a blaze of glory as bon jovi wailed instead of fading away. Well I for one always wanted to go while I am on top. Of course unlike one of my cousins who did so quite literally as he decided to bid good bye to the world in the arms of his mistress. I can still remember all of us with wry faces at the funeral telling one another he came and went at the same time. Now back to the more serious subject matter. I wonder what it is like to die? It scares me. I would like to know what it feels like. This has resulted in a somewhat morbid fascination with near death experience.
Anyway it was sad a young life was snuffed so early. Also it made me more conscious of the fact that I too maintain a similar lifestyle like my friend did. And a similar fate might await me too. Even though it might not be a bad thing the first thing I did after hearing this shocking news was sneak into the gym for an extra session of cardio and heave a sigh of relief that 60 is the new 40.
Friday, May 14, 2010
Colombo by flood light
Why oh why is it that we can't have a proper drainage system in our country. I was stuck in traffic for over one hour and still could not get to my destination. Generally this trip would take less than thirty minutes. To while away the time I just took some pics and thought I would share it with all of you