Sadly there is nothing anyone can do. Only God can help helpless.
Sunday, May 22, 2011
The helpless and the powerful - a true story
Sadly there is nothing anyone can do. Only God can help helpless.
The gate crasher..
Because they all realized that she would have been desparately hungry to resort to something like this. And hunger is something which everyone can relate to.
Saturday, May 21, 2011
Experiencing heaven and hell in a single day!
She Said... contd.
Liquor was all I had…
I was alone…
No friends…
No mate…
No one to turn to…
No one by my side
But a cabinet full of bottles
So once the kids were asleep
I sit alone…
And drink…
To forget…
To try and erase…
The pain…
A book I wish I had read ten years earlier…

In fact I can firmly say that I think if I had done so my marriage and relationships would have been in far better shape than it is now. I believe this book is essential reading material for any modern couple and anyone else who would like to see their relationships improve with those who are important to them.
This is written by the same guy who wrote “Men are from Mars and women are from Venus”. A book I thought was a real eye opener. Till I read it I did not know that men and women actually process emotions and react to situations completely opposite to one another. Guess it gives new credibility to the phrase the opposite sex.
It was with quite a lot of skepticism I bought this book thinking it would be the same shit in a different saucer. But it was definitely not. And I am really glad I bought it. It gives the reader an insight into how the trappings of modern life exert a huge amount of pressure on modern couples and relationships. I could clearly see some people I know going through the symptoms outlined in this book. And of course once you are aware of the problem you can find a solution to it. I have started using some of the techniques outlined in this book and can say with absolute confidence it has made a significant difference as well as contributed to improving my relationships all round.
Sunday, May 8, 2011
Leopard named Ivan
Monday, May 2, 2011
Like Janis - Another great song with amazing lyrics by Sixto Rodriguez
And you measure for wealth by the things you can hold
And you measure for love by the sweet things you're told
And you live in the past or a dream that you're in
And your selfishness is your cardinal sin
And you want to be held with highest regard
It delights you so much if he's trying so hard
And you try to conceal your ordinary way
With a smile or a shrug or some stolen cliche'
But don't you understand, and don't you look about
I'm trying to take nothing from you
So why should you act so put out for me?
'Cos emotionally you're the same basic trip
And you know that I know of the times that you slip
So don't try to impress me, you're just pins and paint
And don't try to charm me with things that you ain't
And don't try to enchant me with your manner of dress
'Cos a monkey in silk is a monkey no less
So measure for measure reflect on my said
And when I won't see you then measure it dead
'Cos don't you understand, and don't you look about
I'm trying to take nothing from you
So why should you act so put out,
And sit there in wonder and doubt, for me?
The Highly overrated high tea of GFH

I was quivering in lust!
Yes that is the kind of anticipation I had built up in my head about the high tea at the Galle Face Hotel. People had spoken so highly of it. About the variety of choice. About the great taste and of course how reasonably priced it was. Somehow when I stepped into the terrace I felt disappointed.
It was like stepping in to a home coming of a wedding from a bygone era. There were old uncles and aunties and families packed into tables placed extremely close to one another munching away frantically desperately trying to stuff as much as they could into their mouth to get the highest return on the money they spent. Adding to the atmosphere an old man in a faded coat was thumping away at a silly organ. If not for some of the tourists I would have thought I had gone back to the 70s.
Yes there was great variety. In fact the entire terrace was filled lengthwise with tables full of food. If you were someone who valued quantity over quality then this would be paradise. Sadly the taste and the presentation of the food was below average and the service putrid. In fact one of my friends had to tell someone “if you were working for me I would have fired you”. She refused to add an extra chair to our table since it was not done that way and there was no other place to sit. According to JD who was also present the quality of the food was on par or lesser than what you would find at Perera and Sons. Certainly not the food what you would expect from a 5 star hotel. Fortunately for us even though everything did not turn out the way we expected the company was great and all of us had a great conversation. But the moment the sun began to set the grubby place I was seeing become to transform into something absolutely magical. But then we were politely told to leave as they had to arrange the venue for dinner. L