Sunday, May 27, 2012

The Drought is over… I hope!

Gosh! I just realized that I have not made a blog post on here since April. What a shame. My original intention was to make a post day but sometimes the best of intentions fall by the wayside in the face of adversity.
Ok I am being over dramatic here. The adversity I am talking about is a mega sized dose of lethargy and maybe a sprinkling of writers block. Not the other way round.
 It is not that I have not had anything to say. In fact it is completely the opposite. My life has been a blur of activity. More highs than lows thank goodness. But the lows though few have been pretty darn low contributing to the lethargy.
 I had so much to say, to write, to get off my chest.
But the words seemed to be suppressed. Even though I spent many moments staring at an empty word document on screen, my fingers poised to start clattering away the moment inspiration strikes.
But inspiration has been avoiding me. It has gone into hiding along with my muse.  And the drought of words took control of my life. Till now!
Well hopefully these words which are trickling out at the moment will transform into a torrent and I will be able to get back to my normal pace of writing one or two posts a week.
So let us begin. Writers block be gone I don’t want to see you in my vicinity ever again.