Sunday, January 1, 2012

Just another year?

Certainly not in my case.
As I look back at the year that was I have mixed emotions. The one phrase to describe it would be “Pain and Pleasure”. It was a rollercoaster ride of emotions. And as I look back I can relate to the famous words of Charles Dickens when he wrote “It was the best of times; it was the worst of times. It was the age of wisdom. It was the age of foolishness”. I have known the heights of joy and experienced gut wrenching misery. I found love and then lost it. I shed tears of happiness and tears of sadness. If the past year was a movie I would just cut the first half and play it on a continuous loop. And hope that it never stops.
But sadly time waits for nobody. And sometimes what goes up has to come down.


Guiding Spirit said...

I hope that 2012 is all you hope it to be and more ..

cj said...

Thank you so much Guiding Spirit I wish you all happiness too.

santhoshi said...

A bit Late:) Happy New year!!!

cj said...

Hey Santhoshi as one would say better late than never! So happy new year to you as well. Hope you have a wonderful year.

Anonymous said...

"Found love and then lost it"... umm if 'love' is found, it cannot be lost... and that's what I think shows whether it was love to start with...
May 2012 be a wonderful year... with REAL love....