Wednesday, December 8, 2010

The Simple American who loves to sing - Don Moen

This post has been a long time in the making and guess it is well past is sell by date. But still I want to post it in appreciation of one of the nicest Americans I have ever met. Don Moen to those of you who don't know him is to "praise and worship" christian music what Brian Adams is to pop. I was happy to be involved doing the communication for his concert which happened a couple of weeks back. Now I must confess I did have the opportunity to say hello to him in passing at a pre concert dinner function.

What I found amazing was that even though he was a celebrity I have never met a more down to earth and simple person in my life. He just kept mingling, posing for photographs and shaking hands with everyone. Even at another workshop with local youth he had given everyone his own personal email. Now I never heard of a star do that till now.

I really felt sorry for him at the actual concert. To be able to pack 4000 people into an arena made for 3500 people they had to remove most of the self standing fans. So it was hot. Really hot. So much so that it was like a sauna. Even I was feeling faintish and dehydrated. But he came on stage and sang his heart out for two whole hours though he had a flight at four in the morning to Chennai and then to delhi and then a 12 hour bus ride to their next concert performance.

I sometimes wish I had this guy’s humility and humbleness.

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