Imagine a man discovering the joy of having sex for the first time when he is 45! Whilst he would be exalted by the experience I am sure he would have wished that he had found how lovely it was when he was much younger. And that is exactly how I felt when I finished reading my first Michal Crichton Novel. Sadly it was about a month ago I discovered what a fantastic author he was. I guess because I had always associated him as the author of Jurassic Park and did not give him the respect he deserved.
I started reading his books completely by accident. I had downloaded this torrent pack with all the John Grisham and Tom Clancy e books and all his books were included as well. And one day when I was wanting something to read I started on disclosure and found that I could not put it down. It was so fast paced and involving. Now some of my books I read on my phone and this meant I found I was sneaking a read while I was at the gym, at work, at a presentation we were making and even during the sermon in church. Yes even in church. If I was fascinated by disclosure you could say by the time I read Andromeda project I was head over heals in love. And all the books I read so far which is "Prey", "air frame" and "time line" have been great. Gosh I so wish I had discovered him much earlier.
I started reading his books completely by accident. I had downloaded this torrent pack with all the John Grisham and Tom Clancy e books and all his books were included as well. And one day when I was wanting something to read I started on disclosure and found that I could not put it down. It was so fast paced and involving. Now some of my books I read on my phone and this meant I found I was sneaking a read while I was at the gym, at work, at a presentation we were making and even during the sermon in church. Yes even in church. If I was fascinated by disclosure you could say by the time I read Andromeda project I was head over heals in love. And all the books I read so far which is "Prey", "air frame" and "time line" have been great. Gosh I so wish I had discovered him much earlier.
I know how you feel! I was 20 by the time I discovered him, and still felt cheated! The first book i read was airframe (simply amazing) and then i9n quick succession, JP I and II. Couldn't help noticing how much better the books were compared to the movies!
i liikeeed Jurrasic park and Timeline :D
loved timeline and JP books.
it was sad when he died. wasnt he also the creator of ER?
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