“We both loved the same man, but she had his son and I had his heart” therein lies the plot of one of the best books I have read in recent times.
I actually bought Living Their Lie by Brandon Ingram in August 2009, but somehow it ended up lying in my shelf hidden by newer acquisitions till a couple of weeks back when I reached for it to read on my way to Yala. What a wise decision it was.
There are only a very few books which I can say I have read with absolute relish and this belongs to that rare category. The only other local authors who I have enjoyed so much and have ended up in my relish list are Ashok Ferry and Carl Muller.
The plot was interesting and the story moved at a fast pace with amazing twists and turns. An added bonus was that it was beautifully written. Reading this book to me was as intriguing as walking through a beautifully designed mansion like Tintagel with beautiful works of art on either side. It was absolutely perfect, everything was where it should and all you need to do was to wallow and absorb the wonder of the place with every step taken. This was the first book where the topic of bisexuality has been broached with such gay abandon. Pun not intended. And just in case you are thinking this has some kind sleazy erotica aspect to it you are wrong. However I must admit that it does add a certain sizzle to the entire book. I am not going to write more about the plot and ruin it for those who want to read it but if you ever see it in a store buy it and you will not regret it.
The amazing thing is I can’t seem to find anything wrong with this book even if I want to do so desperately. I think this post is gushing too much and someone might be forgiven for thinking that I have been paid to do so. Ok let me see. Oh yes there is one thing, it is far too short! I just wish he had padded it up by a couple of hundred pages more so that I could still be reading it 14 days later instead of enduring the frustration of finishing it half way before I reached my destination.
1 comment:
yes. unputdownable and yeah read his 'fairy dance'. another kick ass.
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